Thursday, January 15, 2009

What is glamour?

First of all, Hello World!

What is glamour?

The word "glamour" has its roots in spell-casting, sorcery and magical enchantment.While perceptions of glamour may have changed with the times, the core of it remains the same: Being glamorous is all about creating an attractive and exciting illusion that you lead an envied life.

Glamour is the quality of one persone fascinating, alluring, or attracting in combination of charm and good looks. Glamour is something that mysteriously fascinates us, that has no rational explanation and that seems to be somewhat, or totally, inaccessible to us.

Glamour and style are a manufactured quality. Both must to be cultivated like a blossoming flower. Learning to love yourself in the mirror, creating your own personal style and having the self-confidence to stand out in a crowd are all necessary ingredients for feeling glamorous.

This is what I intend to teach you. Not how to be glamorous, but how to become self-confident in a way that you will know how to spark attraction. 

The more that you are willing to look for an answer to how to be glamorous, the more likely it is that you will find your answer.


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