Friday, January 16, 2009

30 years: What cream to use?

If your are a woman in 30s, it's time to think, and care for your skin more than ever. This also include  the prevention of wrinkles and blemishes that comes with age. Here are my recommendations:

Day Cream
To meet the needs of the skin of a thirty years old woman, a moisturizing cream must contain hyaluronic acid (for its moisturizing and anti-function), vitamins E and C (important for prevention), and a solar filter.

"The filter is not always necessary, - says Dr. Ribuffo - depends on skin type and the kind of life you lead. "

A serum can be used with the day cream. The serum is a concentration of super-hydrating substances that can have a lifting effect (tensor).

Night cream

The night cream should contain greater amounts of active ingredients, including acids that can improve the texture of the skin and promote a greater absorption. It also contains retinol, vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids (AHA's) to help boost skin repair as well as moisturising it.

Do I really need a special cream for my face?

The answer to this is YES! According to dermatologist Dr Leslie Baumann, Chief of the Division of Cosmetic Dermatology at the University of Miami School of Medicine, it is very important to know your skin type. For example, she says, 'oily types do not need a night cream unless for a treatment such as to reduce inflammation or get rid of dark pigmentation patches'.

Did you heard of Philosophy Hope in a Jar cream?

For years, plastic surgeons have been recommending this formula to patients in pursuit of younger, healthier skin. Results can be seen and felt within days - a healthy, rosy glow to the skin that doesn't require makeup or cover up.

"I do not wear makeup, so Hope In A Jar is it. I am 49 years old and I think my skin looks incredible. The friends I have given it to also like to keep a natural look and prefer their skin without heavy creams, thick moisturizers and sunscreens, or makeup." said  Ms. O. Khannah-Brown


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